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Planning Board Minutes 05/05/2011

May 5, 2011

Members & Staff Present:                Diane Chauncey (Secretary)        David Dubois (Member)   
Jesse Lazar (Member)            Charles Levesque (Member)         Martha Pinello (Member) Andrew Robblee (Member)               John Robertson(Ex-Officio)     Stephen Schacht (Alternate)                                      
Members & Staff Absent:
Scott Burnside  
Public Attendees:
Shelley Nelkens James Hankard   Rob Michaelson  Bob Cleland
Annie Law               Janet McEwen            Keith Klinger           Ron Haggett
Ben Pratt               Gordon Webber   John Soinien            Mike Tatro
Sam Apkarian            Stuart Gross                                            
7:00 PM - Review Period:

  • Review the Minutes for meetings March 17, April 21, 2011  and April 26, 2011
  • Appoint alternates to sit for absent members – Mr. Schacht to sit for the absent Mr. Burnside
7:15 PM –  Public Hearing – Continued from April 21, 2011
  • Pursuant to IRC/IBC R108.2, changes to the Building Permit Application Fee Schedule are being proposed for adoption by the Planning Board / Board of Selectmen (not subject to vote of the legislative body) wait for Mr. Hopkins
Business Meeting:
  • Review Agreement – Limits of Municipal Responsibility for Lot 012, Map 208, on Farmstead road, submitted by Annie Law (letter attached)
Ms. Law and Mr. Cleland expressed their desire for the capability to build a house on Lot 15. They explained that their portion of Farmstead Road had bee summer maintained only. They have plowed and maintained the Class VI road for over 20 years. Ms. Law has purchased Lot 15 in hopes that one of her children would be able to build on that parcel. The waiver of Limits of Municipal Responsibility would need to be signed by the Board of  Selectmen.

Mr. Levesque moved to recommend the adoption of the Waiver. Mr. Robertson seconded. All approved by a voice vote.

  • Review By-laws for changes
Numerous changes were made to the current by-laws.
The Board directed the Secretary to incorporate the changes to: 2.1, 7.9, to add the Parliamentary Rules of Procedure as Section 8 and renumber as necessary, and to add a section which would include the review of Office of Energy and Planning legal changes that affect the By-laws.

  • Town Administrator Memo concerning Town Planner position
The Planning Board reviewed RSA 673:16  and the Town of Antrim job description. The Planning Board was in agreement that the Town of Antrim needs a Town Planner. The Board would like the current job description clarified with the RSA.

Ms. Pinello moves that the Planning Board submit to the Board of Selectmen the concerns for the Town Planner position. Mr. Levesque seconded. By voice vote, all were in favor.

  • Combined Planning Board and Selectmen Meeting??
Ms. Pinello stated that the two Boards should meet jointly and discuss the Site Evaluation Committee.

Some of the points discussed:
        The Boards have disagreeing approaches
        Should the joint meeting be non-public – with legal counsel
        Not necessarily non-public
A request should be made to the Board of Selectmen for their May 15 meeting – the
        Secretary will make the request

  • Funding for Legal Counsel??
The Planning Board determined that their request for legal representation was necessary. Chair Robblee was not in favor of legal representation, but if the Board majority was in favor, he said that the process should start now.
  • A responsible estimate of cost should be established. Attorney Silas Little should be apprised of the current issues and that he should know the SEC status.
Mr. Levesque moved to request Planning Board legal funding up to $10,000 for the SEC meetings. Ms. Pinello seconded.
Roll Call Vote:  Mr. Dubois, yes, Ms. Pinello, yes; Mr. Robertson, no; Mr. Robblee, no; Mr. Schacht, no; Mr. Lazar, yes; Mr. Levesque, yes.

  • Torino Development – how long is the subdivision approval valid?
After a short discussion, the Board determined that the subdivision approval for Torino Development was no longer valid. Torino Development had been a conditionally approved subdivision in April 2008. There were 27 conditions. The approval was in place for one calendar year. Time has expired.

  • Alternates McEwen
Ms. McEwen withdrew her request for a position as an alternate.

Mr. Tatro stated that he was still willing. Mr. Schacht moved to appoint Mr. Tatro as an alternate for  the Board. Mr. Levesque seconded. By voice vote, Mr. Tatro was unanimously voted as an alternate. He will need to be sworn in by the Town Clerk and then his position will be effective for the next meeting.

Work Session:
  • Large Wind Energy Facility Ordinance Ad Hoc Committee Organization
Four residents had submitted letters requesting membership on the Ad Hoc Committee:

Ben Pratt
Barbara Gard
Mary Allen
Richard Block

Ms. Pinello moved a slate of Mary Allen, Ben Pratt, and Barbara Gard to serve on a Planning Board AD Hoc Committee to develop a Large Wind Ordinance, and Bob Edwards, if he would agree. Mr. Lazar seconded. All approved by voice vote.

Mr. Levesque moved that Chair Robblee and Ms. Pinello to be representatives of the Planning Board on the Ad Hoc Committee. Mr. Lazar seconded. By a voice vote, all were in favor.

The Board discussed the tasks of the Ad Hoc Committee:

  • Necessity to report to the Planning Board
  • Should the committee need assistance, Board members could fill in
  • The Board could answer questions
  • Action items
  • Importance of deadlines
  • Value of resource people
  • Websites available
  • Work plan
  • Time line
  • Structure
  • Dates

7:15 PM –  Public Hearing – Continued from April 21, 2011

Mr. Robertson moved to continue the Building Inspector’s Public Hearing to May 19. Mr. Levesque seconded. All approved by a voice vote.

At 9:20pm, Mr. Robertson moved to adjourn. Mr. Levesque seconded. All approved to adjourn - by a voice vote.

Respectfully submitted, Diane Chauncey, Secretary of the Planning Board